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Category: Cosmetic Dentistry

Is There an Ideal Order to Receive Cosmetic Dental Treatments?

When seeking to achieve a perfect smile, you may not think too much about a specific order to undergo treatments or use your budget as a guide. However, for the best results, there are some guidelines that can help you plan your cosmetic dentistry procedures. With various cosmetic dental treatments available, understanding the ideal sequence […]

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Top 5 Cosmetic Dentistry Services to Achieve Your Ideal Smile

Even if your teeth are healthy, aesthetic flaws can be reason enough to hide your smile. A beautiful smile can communicate openness and confidence to others and improve self-perception.  These top 5 cosmetic dentistry services improve the look of your smile and help get your confidence back. 1. Invisalign® If you have crooked and crowding […]

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How to Get VIP Treatment From an Upscale Beverly Hills Dentist

Beverly Hills is home to many celebrities and has become associated with the best plastic surgeons, psychiatrists, cosmetic dentists, and more.  We all need to visit the dentist regularly to keep our smiles beautiful, and when choosing a Beverly Hills dentist, you have a right to expect the best experience and care. What to Look […]

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What’s the Difference Between a General Dentist and a Cosmetic Dentist?

It is common to hear terms like general dentist and cosmetic dentist thrown around. Because they are both “dentists,” you may not realize that there is a fairly significant difference between them — even though many dentists offer both services. So, what’s the difference? General dentists provide necessary services to keep teeth and gums healthy, […]

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How to Work Up to Courage to Make Your Dentist Appointment

The importance of dental health cannot be overstated.  Dental health has a significant impact on your overall health. As such, in addition to ensuring that you brush your teeth twice every day, you need to visit your dentist regularly for routine dental checkups and cleaning.  It is also important for you to see a dentist […]

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How Often Should I Visit My Dentist? Does the Six-Month Rule Still Apply?

Most people understand the importance of visiting their dentist regularly. After all, we were taught our entire lives that we should see our dentist for a check-up every six months to avoid severe problems with our teeth.  However, is every six months still necessary?  Why Does the Six-Month Visit Rule Exist? Most insurance providers allow […]

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How to Pick the Right Dentist

Many people dread visits to the dentist so much that they avoid getting professional dental care altogether. Unfortunately, this can put their dental and overall health in danger. The good news is that you can reduce the anxiety associated with visiting a dentist by simply choosing a dentist you are comfortable with.  Below are some […]

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Are Dental X-Rays Dangerous?

Taking X-rays during your dental checkups is crucial to maintaining a healthy mouth.  Dental X-rays capture images of a patient’s teeth and gums, helping a dentist identify problems like tooth decay, bone loss, and impacted teeth. In so doing, a dentist can provide an accurate diagnosis and determine the best course of action when treating […]

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Nervous About Going to the Dentist? Sedation Dentistry Can Help

Many children and adults are perpetually nervous about going to the dentist. For those with dental anxiety, dental appointments are often avoided at all costs, which is dangerous to your oral and overall health. Missing your check-ups makes it challenging to detect developing dental problems, and once a problem has progressed, the amount of needed […]

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