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Top 5 Cosmetic Dentistry Services to Achieve Your Ideal Smile

Posted in Cosmetic Dentistry

4 minute read

Even if your teeth are healthy, aesthetic flaws can be reason enough to hide your smile. A beautiful smile can communicate openness and confidence to others and improve self-perception. 

close up photo of Black woman with perfect teeth smiling and pointing at her smile.

These top 5 cosmetic dentistry services improve the look of your smile and help get your confidence back.

1. Invisalign®

If you have crooked and crowding teeth or gaps in your smile, Invisalign® can be your salvation.

Invisalign® is a subtle teeth-straightening system that uses clear trays to correct the structure of your teeth in a step-by-step system. And the best part — no metal braces!

Without the discomfort and less-than-ideal appearance of traditional braces, many adult patients can transform their smiles with minimal impact on their day-to-day lives.

2. Zoom! Teeth Whitening

Stained teeth are the number one cosmetic dental concern — and it’s true, many people associate a beautiful smile (and self-confidence) with bright white teeth.

Professional teeth whitening for surface (extrinsic) stains can help you achieve your dream smile. Dr. Sands uses Zoom! teeth whitening technology to get his patients that star-studded smile: a hydrogen peroxide whitening substance is applied to the teeth before an LED light is used to amplify the whitening process.

Professional teeth whitening is much more effective than at-home treatments and is guaranteed to elevate your smile instantly.

If you are undergoing teeth whitening and Invisalign®, you can combine both with an at-home whitening solution applied in your last set of aligners.

3. Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a versatile cosmetic dental treatment that can tackle multiple issues:

  • Cracked and chipped teeth
  • Deep intrinsic stains
  • Small and misshapen teeth
  • Minor irregularities

It’s helpful to think of dental bonding (composite veneers) as the step before porcelain veneers; it can be applied to one or more teeth and is a targeted solution for the above issues.

Here, your dentist will roughen your natural enamel to ensure adhesion. Next, they will apply a color-matched resin and porcelain composite to your teeth, targeting areas of discoloration, cracks, or irregularities to shape or position. The resin is then smoothed and shaped, creating a uniform, sparkling smile.

Composite veneers are a great solution if you have a few problem areas, such as cracked or misshapen teeth. Many patients opt to have their teeth professionally whitened with Zoom! first and then finish their look with dental bonding.

4. Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers can truly do it all — they are a one-stop solution for cracked, chipped, misshapen, or deeply stained teeth.

As the process involves removing a small portion of your natural tooth, it is considered a permanent treatment. Then, Dr. Sands will match you with custom-made porcelain shells that attach to the front side of your tooth, designed to look exactly like your natural teeth (but better).

From then on, your veneers will look and function like your own teeth. Proper oral hygiene, like brushing, flossing, and regular dental appointments, are still necessary to maintain the look and feel of your beautiful smile.

As with dental bonding, many patients whiten their natural teeth before getting their veneers to ensure the best appearance. Additionally, depending on the needs and concerns you have for your teeth, it may be in your best interest to have a combination of porcelain and composite veneers.

5. Dental Implants

Dental implants are used to fully replace missing or decayed teeth. While this process is longer, it is often the best long-term solution for damaged and missing teeth.

Dr. Sands will surgically insert the implant post into the jawbone through an incision in the gum. This titanium implant fuses to the jawbone over the next few months through a process called osseointegration. After this occurs, the abutment (connecting support) is attached to the implant, and the artificial tooth is attached to the abutment.

There are many benefits to dental implants, as they provide a permanent solution to missing or decayed teeth. Having missing teeth can be a great source of discomfort and can negatively affect your overall oral hygiene.

Dental implants can be paired with dental bonding, porcelain veneers, and professional teeth whitening to provide a comprehensive and striking smile.

What Cosmetic Dentistry Can Do For You

A healthy, attractive smile is the first thing people see. Feeling confident in your smile is a liberating feeling that Dr. Sands can help you achieve. Whether you’re interested in Invisalign®, teeth whitening, dental bonding, porcelain veneers, or dental implants, Dr. Sands of Beverly Hills can get you the smile you want and deserve.

Considering Cosmetic Dentistry in Beverly Hills, CA?

Celebrity cosmetic dentist Dr. Kevin Sands offers comprehensive cosmetic dental care in Beverly Hills, California. Call us today at (310) 273-0111 or fill out our contact form to get more information on Invisalign®, Zoom! teeth whitening, dental bonding, porcelain veneers, and dental implants.