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Bulimia Affects Oral Health

Posted in Dental Care, Oral Health

2 minute read

Many types of health problems can negatively affect a person’s oral health. One of the most common disorders that can damage the appearance and quality of your teeth is bulimia.

Every time a person vomits, or “throws up,” stomach acid comes up with their food, which is naturally harmful to the teeth. Therefore, when you vomit frequently, the acid eats at the enamel and could eventually expose the nerve endings. Vomiting usually thins the teeth, causing them to also appear worn, chipped, ragged, and discolored. Because bulimics suffer from nutritional deficiencies, it is common for them to also develop cavities.

Over time, should deterioration occur, most people will have to go through a full mouth restoration process. This may include having to get all of their teeth crowned, which can get very expensive.

Taking care of your teeth when you have bulimia is a difficult thing to do. Many bulimics brush their teeth immediately after vomiting to take away the taste and smell. However, it is crucial that you do not brush right after throwing up because this can cause further damage to your teeth, such as harming the surface crystals on the enamel layer. That said, it is recommended that instead of brushing, you wash your mouth out thoroughly with water. After a few hours, you can brush your teeth but avoid eating or drinking anything acidic. When you brush your teeth, your enamel layers are removed, making it easier for acids to attack the healthy parts of your teeth. Eating cheese and dairy products can reduce acidic effects as well.

In addition to visiting a bulimic specialist and treating the disorder, it is important that you also visit a qualified dentist. Although you may be self-conscious, an experienced dentist will be understanding and knowledgeable of your condition. He or she will inform you of the best ways to take care of your teeth, and how to avoid serious complications in the future.

Please feel free to contact my Beverly Hills cosmetic dentistry practice. You can do so by calling (310) 273-0111. I look forward to meeting with you for a consultation!