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Stress Can Contribute to Poor Oral Health

Posted in Oral Health

2 minute read

There are a variety of stressors in everyday life. However, many individuals may not even know that stress is taking a toll on their oral health until they visit with a dentist. Those who come to my Beverly Hills practice are carefully and thoroughly examined in order to properly diagnose and treat their dental problems.

Some of the most common effects of stress are teeth grinding, cold sores, and lack of oral hygiene. Those who suffer from teeth grinding, technically known as “bruxism,” may not be aware that this is happening because it usually happens at night. The only symptom that may be evident of this is jaw pain in the morning. Once at my office, I can see that a patient’s teeth have been worn and inform him or her of certain options. In addition, stress lowers the immune system, which may lead to a frequent recurrence of cold sores. These can be painful and embarrassing for the patient, which could cause further stress and prolong the outbreak. Furthermore, patients who are undergoing stress may slack on their oral hygiene routine, which can lead to negative side effects.

If you are stressed and are noticing some dental/oral problems that may be linked to stress, please feel free to contact my practice. As a Los Angeles cosmetic dentist who is dedicated to patient safety, I look forward to helping you regain a healthy smile.