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What Is Laser Gum Contouring?

Posted in Cosmetic Dentistry

2 minute read

shutterstock_117021118Cosmetic dentistry does not just involve a straight and white appearance to the teeth. In fact, the length of the teeth is often what makes or breaks a beautiful “Hollywood” smile. The teeth can appear too short due to genetics, a particular health problem, taking certain prescription drugs, or bruxism, and is typically corrected with either porcelain veneers or laser gum contouring.

You may know that porcelain veneers are thin, tooth-like shells that cover the front of the natural tooth. They can make the teeth appear straighter, whiter, longer, and more symmetrical with the rest of the smile. Some patients do not need to straighten or even whiten their teeth; their main concern is a “gummy” appearance. Laser gum contouring, also called gum reshaping or tissue sculpting, is a simple procedure that can lengthen the teeth to provide a fuller, brighter, and more aesthetically balanced smile. Dr. Sands performs this procedure at his Beverly Hills practice.

Laser gum contouring is typically considered a cosmetic procedure and is not covered by insurance. However, some undergo this procedure as part of other necessary procedures, such as pocket reduction, crown lengthening, or other regenerative procedures.

Dr. Sands will often begin treatment by marking the area of the gums that will be altered and by applying local anesthesia to numb the area. He then removes the excess gum tissue by carefully applying the laser to the marked areas. The gums are sealed instantly with heat from the laser, so no bleeding is involved and no sutures are necessary. The laser also kills bacteria in the process, resulting in healthy, natural looking gums and an overall more balanced smile.

To achieve the best long-term results, sometimes bone at the front of the tooth’s root will need to be removed. The gums will heal within several days to a couple of weeks. Dr. Sands will provide specific recovery instructions to ensure the best results with this procedure.

If you are unhappy with the appearance of an uneven gum line, consult with Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist Dr. Kevin Sands. During your consultation, he can assess your smile and determine whether laser gum contouring is the right procedure for you. To schedule your consultation with Dr. Sands, please call (310) 273-0111 or fill out our online contact form today.