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The Importance of Your Smile

Posted in Cosmetic Dentistry, General Dentistry

2 minute read

Have you ever really wondered what the importance of your smile really is? Smiles have long been known as the universal sign of peace and happiness, no matter where a person lives or what language they speak. This simple gesture has a dramatic effect on others and not only makes a person look more friendly and confident, but it also provides other beneficial results.

Smiling can help relieve stress.

People who are stressed out tend to have anxiety, high blood pressure, and poor digestion. When you smile, your brain gets tricked into thinking that you’re happy, which slows your breathing and lowers your heart rate to reduce stress.

Smiling can help you get a job.

Dressing for success is not the only thing that matters when going in for that crucial job interview; smiling can also increase the likelihood that you get the job. Studies show that individuals who smiled throughout their interviews were more likely to get the job because they appeared more enthusiastic and friendly.

Smiling improves your immune system.

When you smile your body becomes relaxed and releases endorphins and serotonin, which are the “feel good” hormones of the body. In other words, the more you smile the better you will feel, both physically and mentally.

Importance of Smiling

Grin and bear it: Your smile’s important!

Smiling makes you look younger and live longer.

The more often that you smile, the more that the muscles on the face become elevated, creating a youthful look that you can feel great about. Numerous studies have shown that frequent smiling can increase your longevity as well.

A study released by USA Weekend that analyzed over 6,000 adults found that those who smile often as opposed to having a neutral expression have a significantly lower risk of getting a stroke from heart disease, which is the number one cause of death in the United States. That’s even more of a reason to smile!

Whether it’s straightening or whitening your teeth, Dr. Sands can help you achieve the smile that you desire. To schedule a consultation with our Hollywood cosmetic dentist, please call (310) 273-0111 today.