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The Demand for Dental Implants Continues to Grow

Posted in Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental News

2 minute read

Diagram of a dental implantNothing looks better than a full set of good-looking teeth, but sometimes various factors such as disease or accidents can cause tooth loss. For these individuals, looking to restore their smile means replacing a missing tooth or teeth and doing away with self-consciousness. Whatever your reason may be, dental implants are a great option. They are known to provide durable, natural-looking results.

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of sterile titanium cylinders and are positioned in the jawbone beneath the gums. This allows one or more of your teeth to be replaced, eliminating the need for removable dentures and bridges.

The want for dental implants is rising. According to a recent Business Wire news article, patients are increasingly requesting dental implants rather than bridges and other traditional treatments because of the advantages that they offer. This includes: decreased bone loss, more secure tooth placement, and a longer lifespan.

Why are dental implants better than dentures and bridges?

Dentures can cause discomfort and slip when eating or talking. Bridges can also become loose and weakened over time. Dental implants are permanent and should never have to be replaced. It can also not be expressed enough on how much more natural dental implants look than dentures and bridges.

With my experience and understanding I can give you a more aesthetically pleasing smile and more comfortable alternative treatment for missing teeth. Please don’t hesitate to check out my website for information on my dental implant procedure. I look forward to giving you the healthy and natural-looking smile that you deserve. Schedule your appointment at my Beverly Hills cosmetic dentistry practice today!