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What to Do if a Tooth Gets Knocked Out

Posted in Dental Bonding, Dental Implants, General Dentistry

3 minute read

shutterstock_99960629Accidental tooth loss often results from contact sports, fights, biting on hard food, and car accidents. Since tooth loss can happen to virtually anyone, it is good to know what to do in case it happens to you.

Whether or not you have your tooth, the first things you should do after a tooth is knocked out (“avulsed”) are:

1. Control bleeding with gauze and apply pressure.

2. Contact your dentist. If the tooth is badly broken, your nerve endings may be exposed, and you will need immediate attention to avoid infection and pain.

3. Apply a cold compress to the mouth and gums to help with pain.

How to Preserve a Knocked Out Tooth

If the knocked out tooth still has its root, it can often be reimplanted. A tooth is more likely to be saved if it can be reinserted within 30 minutes after it was displaced. After this amount of time, the likelihood that it will survive drops significantly.

You can choose one of the following options to help preserve the tooth until it can be reimplanted:

Place the tooth back in its socket so it is level with the other teeth. Bite down on gauze or a wet tea bag to keep in in place.

If the tooth needs to be cleaned first, run it under a gentle stream of water only. Do not handle the roots of the tooth.

 Place the tooth in a container of milk. Milk has a neutral pH balance and is fortified with vitamins that will help preserve it.

– Place the tooth in a container of saliva, or keep it in your mouth between the lower lip and gum or beneath the tongue.

– Use a tooth-saving storage device. These can usually be found at drugstores and can preserve the tooth for a longer amount of time.

Broken or Chipped Teeth

You may not need an emergency dental visit if the tooth is just broken or chipped, but you should still have the tooth fixed to avoid sharp edges that can cut the tongue. If the tooth is chipped, it can easily be restored with dental bonding.

If the tooth has been broken above the gum line, a root canal can be performed to save the tooth structure, and then it can be restored with a crown. For a tooth that is broken below the gum line, it may be best to extract the remainder of the tooth and insert a dental implant, bridge, or removable dental prosthesis. Dental implants are usually the best option for younger patients because they will protect against bone loss that may occur over time.

If you are interested in a cosmetic dental procedure in Beverly Hills, please contact Dr. Sands’ office by calling (310) 273-0111, or fill out our online contact form to schedule an appointment.