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Why Having Straight Teeth is Important

Posted in Orthodontics

2 minute read

We all know that a bright, straight smile is a sign of beauty. But did you know that it can also mean you have good oral health? Brushing, flossing, and rinsing daily are an important step to maintaining a healthy-looking smile; however, when you have misaligned, crooked teeth, this can still lead to certain oral care problems.

When the teeth are properly aligned the gums can better hug the teeth and protect them from disease. It can also make brushing and flossing more effective when the teeth are straight. Furthermore, chewing with misaligned teeth can put extra pressure on certain areas, which can then lead to premature deterioration and thus putting the entire dental structure at risk for issues to arise. Additionally, there are many individuals who have permanent lisps due to a misaligned dental structure.

In order to correct crooked teeth and attain a healthier smile, you may need orthodontics. I understand that it can be bothersome and/or embarrassing to wear braces in adulthood, which is why I offer Invisalign. These are clear, orthodontic trays that are worn in two-week increments until the teeth have been straightened. With Invisalign, you can correct your bite and help prevent serious dental/oral problems.

Feel free to visit my Beverly Hills practice to learn more regarding Invisalign and how it can be of benefit to you.