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What Causes Oversensitive Teeth?

Posted in Dental Care, Oral Health

2 minute read

Photo of a milk shake across from a personIt’s not fun when all you want to do is enjoy your milkshake, but every time the cold touches your sensitive tooth, you wince with pain. So what causes your teeth to be sensitive to something as harmless as a dessert?

There are various factors that can cause oversensitive teeth. Brushing too hard can wear down the protective layers of your teeth and cause hole-like canals that hit your dental nerves. The best way to prevent this is to switch to a toothbrush with softer bristles. Also, do not brush your teeth vigorously; rather you should do so gently in a circular motion. If you grind your teeth, it is important that you talk to your dentist. You may get fitted for a mouth guard that will protect your teeth from grinding off the enamel. Because toothpastes with substances such as tooth-whiteners can cause your teeth to become sensitive, consider switching to a toothpaste that is specifically formulated for those with tooth sensitivity.

Avoiding certain foods can also help prevent tooth pain. Acidic foods, such as lemons, grapefruit, kiwi, and pickles, can hit your nerves through the hole-like canals. Hot, cold, sweet, and even sour foods can trigger pain in oversensitive teeth as well. Your dentist can determine what is causing your teeth to be sensitive, such as a broken tooth, gingivitis, plaque and tarter build-up, and so on. Once you can identify the problem, you and your dentist can work on a solution plan to fix and prevent the oversensitivity.

By taking care of your teeth, being cautious with how you brush and what you eat, and visiting your dentist regularly, you can be back to drinking your milkshakes pain-free!

If you are experiencing oversensitive teeth issues, please schedule a consultation at my Beverly Hills dental practice today. I am more than happy to help you regain a healthy set of teeth and a Hollywood smile!