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Surprising Causes of Bad Breath

Posted in Oral Health

2 minute read

Causes of Bad Breath

Sometimes the causes of bad breath need more than brushing!

Also known as halitosis, the causes of bad breath affect everyone at one time or another. Whether it is a side-effect of waking up in the morning or a consequence of eating a meal containing garlic and onions, there are various causes of bad breath. Neglecting regular brushing and flossing are common reasons why someone may have halitosis, but there are other ways individuals can develop bad breath that may come as a surprise.


High-protein, low-carb diets work in two ways to cause bad breath. Consuming food that is high in protein produces large quantities of amino acids, which feed on bacteria and smell unpleasant. Low-carb diets make your body burn more fat, leading to the development of ketones, which make the breath smell bad.


Over-the-counter drugs, such as aspirin, reduce the amount of saliva in the mouth. This leaves the mouth dry and creates a thriving environment for bacteria to multiply, which leads to bad breath.

Illness & Infection

Illnesses such as diabetes, kidney failure, and gastro esophageal reflux disease can cause an increase in the amount of bacteria in the breath, which causes foul smells to be released from the mouth. Tooth and gum infections can cause the tissues in the mouth to break down, making it more susceptible to become dry and contain more bacteria as well.


Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it dehydrates the body. In turn, it dries out the mouth by slowing saliva production and increasing bacteria to create bad breath. Drinking alcohol also interferes with the digestive system and esophagus, causing the smell of stomach acid to emerge from the mouth.


As it stands, bad breath affects almost half of the American population. By implementing a few simple habits into your routine, you can drastically diminish your chances for developing bad breath and chronic halitosis.

  •  Brush and floss your teeth daily
  •  Drink more water
  •  Treat gum disease and cavities before they fully develop
  •  Regularly visit your dentist for professional cleanings

To learn more information about the in-office treatments we offer to reduce bad breath, please contact our Beverly Hills practice at (310) 273-0111 today. Dr. Sands looks forward to meeting you and addressing any and all of your dental concerns.