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Sedation Dentistry Beverly Hills

Posted in Sedation Dentistry

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Sleeping Beauty – Sedation Dentistry Beverly Hills

Imagine falling sleep and waking up with a brighter, healthier-looking smile. Sounds like a dream, but at my practice in Beverly Hills, it can be a reality. Using sedation dentistry, patients can transition into a “twilight sleep.” This is typically done through IV sedation, prior to undergoing their procedure. While in this semi-conscious state, you will be able to respond to cues throughout the treatment.

By using sedation for your cosmetic dental procedure, I can complete extensive work in just one visit. If you choose to not undergo sedation, some treatments may require multiple appointments and can become a burden on your personal schedule. If you choose to be sedated when you arrive at our office with IV sedation, we also offer nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”) and an oral sedative to be taken prior to your appointment.

Some of the treatments that I offer under sedation include dental implants, porcelain veneers, and dental bonding. I understand that each patient is different and that he/she has different ideal results, which is why I create a personalized treatment plan to meet your goals.

Sedation dentistry can help you feel more comfortable during your procedure, getting you one step closer to a more beautiful smile. Visit my website for additional information and to schedule a consultation.