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Why Is Flossing Important?

Posted in Oral Health

3 minute read

Woman holding dental floss in her hands flossing her teethEvery time you visit the dentist, you will inevitably be asked, “Do you brush your teeth at least twice a day?” Most of you will say, “Yes!” But, how many of you can say yes to the second question: “Do you floss everyday?”

Here are some of the reasons why dentists stress the importance of flossing and making it a part of your daily routine:

Reduces Plaque Build-up

Plaque contains bacteria, which, following a meal or snack, can release acids that attack tooth enamel. Repeated attacks can cause the enamel to break down and eventually result in cavities.

Reduces Tartar Build-up

Tartar buildup on front lower teethPlaque that is not removed daily by brushing and flossing will eventually harden into tartar. When this happens, your gums can become inflamed and may bleed. Unlike plaque, only your dentist can remove tartar. Flossing helps remove plaque between your teeth.

Avoids Tooth Decay

Brushing alone cannot clean the entire tooth especially since toothbrushes cannot reach in between your teeth. Flossing on a daily basis will help to prevent tooth decay and cavities especially in those hard to reach places. If cavities aren’t treated, they can get larger and cause more problems, such as severe toothache and infection.

Reduces Gingivitis & Periodontal Disease

Drawing of teeth with 4 stages of periodontal disease, each in a separate corner: healthy, gingivitis, periodontal pockets, and periodontitis

As plaque and tartar continue to build up and are left untreated, it can lead to inflammation in the mouth, which is also known as gingivitis (gum disease). If left untreated, gingivitis can turn into periodontal disease. Periodontitis is inflammation around the tooth; it is a serious infection that can damage the gum and bones that are holding the teeth in the mouth and can eventually lead to tooth loss. If you’ve experienced tooth loss, then dental implants may be an option for you.

Reduces Bad Breath

Who wants to walk around with bad breath? Flossing on a daily basis will help remove plaque and food that can cause bad breath.

Prevents Heart Disease

Bacteria from plaque and tartar can increase inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation can then trigger the release of a large number of chemicals called, mediators, which is the same cause of inflammation indicated in heart disease.

Take care of your pearly whites and they’ll take care of you. Brush your teeth for at least two minutes twice a day, and make flossing a part of your daily oral care program.

Feel free to contact our Beverly Hills practice for all of your dental needs. To schedule your consultation with Dr. Kevin Sands, please call (310) 273-0111 or fill out our online contact form.