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Fear of the Dentist Passed On From Parents

Posted in Dental Care

2 minute read

You know the saying: “Children learn what they live.” Therefore, as a parent, it is imperative that you are cautious with certain behaviors that you do not want your young (or older) ones mimicking. For example, if a child sees that you throw away your trash or pet the dog when they are being good, he or she will see these behaviors and most likely copy them. So when it comes to a child mimicking his or her parent’s behavior regarding the dentist, this could be a good thing or a bad thing.

A lot of people avoid the dentist at all costs – even parents – due to the potential pain experienced during a dental procedure or the simple fear of undergoing a treatment. Even though many dentists, including myself, offer sedation dentistry, many individuals avoid this important visit. Unfortunately, studies show that adult fears of the dentist are passed onto their children, identifying a clear association between the fear among parents and fear among their children.

If you are a parent, the best way to reduce dental visit anxieties in your children is by reducing your own fears. Showing that going to the dentist is a positive thing will encourage your children to become upbeat about it too. Perhaps explain to your child about the importance of taking care of your teeth and getting them regularly checked out by the dentist. Reduce your fears by speaking to your dentist about the available treatment options, including anesthetic options, in order to have an enjoyable visit.

If you would like to learn how you can get an A-list smile, please call my Beverly Hills cosmetic dentistry at (310) 273-0111. You may schedule a consultation at this time.