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Cavity Dentist in Beverly Hills

Posted in Oral Health

2 minute read

Fighting cavities, how to prevent and treat them

One of the reasons that individuals fear visiting a dentist is because they are scared that they have cavities. The thought of having someone drill inside your mouth can be a scary one, which is why it is important to take preventive measures to avoid getting a cavity. At my Beverly Hills practice, patients can learn how to prevent, fight, and treat cavities.

Some of the best ways to prevent and fight cavities is to have proper oral hygiene, which includes brushing two to three times a day for two to three minutes, and flossing everyday. This helps to remove bacteria and food debris that the bacteria can feed on. Another key factor is the type of food you eat. Sugar and carbohydrates are a source of feeding for the bacteria, which is why it is important to rinse with water after eating sweet treats or drinking sugary beverages. This helps in removing some the contaminants. Still, the best way to clean the teeth is by brushing often.

Unfortunately, there are many patients who come in and need to have a cavity treated. In most cases, this can be easily remedied by removing the damaged part of the tooth and filling it with a tooth-colored, composite material. On the other hand, if the effected tooth has been left without treatment for an extended period, more intrusive methods may be necessary. The best way to determine if you need further dental care is by visiting my practice.